
How much does it cost you to host your courses on our platform? Here is our pricelist.


from $3USD

No monthly fees.
Only pay after you sell your course.


For every student who buys your course and watches it online, the fee is:

  • $3USD per 1 hour of course length

Example: If your course is 10 hours long and you sell it for $500 USD, once a student signs up, you pay us $30 USD and keep $470 USD.


In case you decide to provide options to download your course, the fees for every ordered download are:

  • $4USD per 1 hour of course length
    (download prepared within 30 days)

  • $5USD per 1 hour of course length
    (download prepared within 24 hours)


Basic support - We help your students with ordering your courses.

Video protection - We build in copyright protection banners and unique video ID into your videos.

Marketplace listing - We do a basic promotion and list your courses in our marketplace.

Custom URL - you can decide to place your courses on website or you can use your own URL address


from 20%

No monthly fees.
Only pay after you sell your course.


For every student who buys your course, the fees are:

  • 20% (if your sale that month is above 10k USD)

  • 49% (if your sale that month is below 10k USD)


The same as BASIC plus:

Extended support - The goal of extended support is, that you have as little work as possible with your published courses. You still may need to answer course specific questions, however we can help you to react to all your student's questions, that we can answer.


Contact us to talk about your own individual pricing.

In case you are an institution, university or a company, which would like to provide or is already providing online courses, don't hesitate to contact us about specific pricing for you at